Neighbor Night
Join us for the 3rd Neighbor Night of 2025 in the Sunnyside School Library!

Neighbor Night
Join us for the 2nd Neighbor Night of 2025! Bring your favorite snack to share, meet neighbors, and plan what’s next for Stanton Heights with your community.

Holiday Lights Contest
It’s time to vote for your favorite Holiday Lights in Stanton Heights! A map of all participating houses can be found HERE.
All Stanton Heights residents will be eligible to vote once for their top 3 favorite displays from December 14th through December 26th at 8:00PM using this ONLINE FORM.
Winners will be announced through email, the website, and social media platforms.
Happy Holidays!

November Neighborhood Meeting
Join the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association for the November Neighborhood Meeting.
Members will vote on 2025 Board Members.

October Happy Hour
The SHNA hosts a neighborhood Happy Hour the second Thursday each month. Join us! We’ll meet outside at The Bulldog Pub. Attendees purchase their own food and drink.

September Neighborhood Meeting
Join the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association for the September Neighborhood Meeting.

Community Day Festival
Join your neighbors for a day of family-friendly fun on Eric Kelly Memorial Field! This year the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association will host field games, arts and crafts, vendors, and a classic cookout. Food will be available by donation and all proceeds go towards supporting community events.
Please let us know you’re coming! RSVP here: https://events.humanitix.com/stanton-heights-community-day-festival
If you're interested in vending, please fill out this Google Form.
If you’re interested in sponsoring this event, please fill out this Google Form.

September Happy Hour
The SHNA hosts a neighborhood Happy Hour the second Thursday each month. Join us! We’ll meet outside at The Bulldog Pub. Attendees purchase their own food and drink.

August Happy Hour
The SHNA hosts a neighborhood Happy Hour the second Thursday each month. Join us! We’ll meet outside at The Bulldog Pub. Attendees purchase their own food and drink.

July Neighborhood Meeting
Join the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association for the July Neighborhood Meeting. Please note that this month’s meeting will be at the Neighborhood Academy.

July Happy Hour
The SHNA hosts a neighborhood Happy Hour the second Thursday each month. Join us! We’ll meet outside at The Bulldog Pub. Attendees purchase their own food and drink.

June Happy Hour
SHNA hosts a neighborhood Happy Hour the second Thursday each month. Join us! We’ll meet outside at The Bulldog Pub. Attendees purchase their own food and drink.

May Neighborhood Meeting
Join the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association for the May Neighborhood Meeting.

Happy Hour
Join us for SHNA’s monthly neighborhood Happy Hour at The Bulldog Pub! Neighborhood happy hours are a great way to casually connect with your neighbors and meet new people. We’ll meet outside in the courtyard, weather permitting.
Food and beverage are available for purchase.

Egg Hunt
Join us for the annual Egg Hunt. Come and meet your neighbors! The Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 10:30am, bring your own baskets to enjoy the fun. There will be a raffle and mingling at the playground afterwards. The raffle is CASH ONLY, please come prepared.
Please RSVP to let us know you’ll be there!
Rain Date: April 6

March Neighborhood Meeting
Join the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association for the March Neighborhood Meeting.

January Neighborhood Meeting
Join the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association for the first Neighborhood Meeting of 2024!
Members will be voting on new board members. Make sure your membership is up to date for 2024 in order to vote!

November Neighborhood Meeting
Join us for the November Heights Neighborhood Association meeting that will be held on Wednesday, January 18, at 6:30 pm at Sunnyside School in the library.
Board Applications Due
Interested in serving on the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association Board? Apply by Monday, November 20! email stantonheightspgh@gmail.com for more information and the application.

October Neighborhood Meeting
Join us for the October Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association meeting what will be held Monday, October 23, at 6:30 pm at Sunnyside School in the library.

Stanton Heights Community Day

Happy Hour
Join your neighbors for a Happy Hour at The Bulldog Pub in Morningside on Wednesday, August 9 from 6 - 8pm.
Note: The location of this event has been updated since it was first published. We now have a confirmed reservation at The Bulldog Pub.

July Neighborhood Meeting
Join us for the July Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association meeting that will be held on Monday, July 31, at 6:30 pm at Sunnyside School in the library.

Stanton Heights Community Night at Pittsburgh Riverhounds
Join your fellow Stanton Heights neighbors for an exciting night of soccer at Highmark Stadium as the Pittsburgh Riverhounds host rivals Detroit City FC on Saturday, July 15 at 7 p.m. Additionally, the first 500 fans who enter the stadium will receive a replica stadium giveaway!
Ticket prices are as follows:
Centerview (Sections 104 and 105) - $30/ticket
Midview (Sections 102-103 and 106-107) - $27/ticket
Edgeview (Sections 101, 108) - $20/ticket
Supporter - $18/ticket

Happy Hour
Join us and your neighbors for a Happy Hour on Wednesday, June 21, 6-8pm at The Bulldog Pub in Morningside! We hope to see you there.

Stanton Heights Community Yard Sale
see the full map here:

May Neighborhood Meeting
Join us for the May Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association meeting on Monday, May 29 at 6:30pm at the Sunnyside School Library.

Stanton Heights Community Clean Up
This year, the Stanton Heights Neighborhood Association will be focusing on a litter sweep, clean up of illegally dumped items and invasive plant removal. There is a job for everyone! The event kicks off at 8 am with coffee by Stanton Heights resident-owned SWEET SIPS CAFE` mobile coffee bar, tours of the compost program and a safety talk. The cleanup starts promptly at 9 am. STEEL CITY AF (Arts Foundation) will be treating volunteers to pizza afterwards. Please join us, and share this invitation with your neighbors! If you cannot join us on this day, please consider going out another day to clean up our neighborhood.

POSTPONED: Easter Egg Hunt
The Easter Egg Hunt has been postponed until next Saturday, April 8th due to the wind advisory (wind gusts up to 50mph tomorrow, starting in the morning). We think this is the safest thing to do. We appreciate your understanding and hope you can join us for the egg hunt next weekend!
Join us for the Stanton Heights Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 8 from 10am - noon at Officer Eric Kelly Memorial Field. The Easter Egg Hunt will begin at 10:30am, bring your own baskets to enjoy the fun. There will be crafts and mingling at the playground afterwards. We can’t wait to meet you (sign up to let us know you’ll be coming)!
We are seeking volunteers to support us with the event. Email brittanymhargrove@gmail.com if you’re interested in helping with like face painting, picture taking, or helping at the craft table.
Eventbrite link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/568780436597

March Neighborhood Meeting
Join us for our March Stanton Heights Neighborhood meeting on Monday, March 27 at 6:30pm. We’ll be meeting at Sunnyside School in the library.

Stanton Heights Happy Hour
Join your old friends and make new ones at the year's first Stanton Heights Happy Hour. The family-friendly event will be at the Church Brew Works, 3525 Liberty Ave., Lawrenceville. (https://churchbrew.com/) beginning at 6pm on Wednesday, February 15th.
Become A Volunteer
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